I have been asked what A Picture Perfect Childhood is all about. I thought I would share the answer here.
In a nutshall, A Picture Perfect Childhood does for reading what Racheal Ray’s 30-minute cookbook does for cooking.
It’s a simply concept.
My book focuses on the 15-minute reading theory quoted by Jim Trelease. Can reading aloud for 15-minutes a day improve (at least enhance) our children’s education and imagination?
Jim Trelease seems to think so. And so do I. I realized that picture books fit neatly into this 15-minute concept and I decided to test it on my children.
I believe that a large part of education is found in exposure. That’s the spark and it all starts with a spark. Picture books make an excellent catalyst for transporting our children into areas of study they would not normally be interested in.
Included in this book are suggestions for books that effortlessly introduce a handful of history, a slice of science, a mutton of math, a plate of poetry, a measure of music, and a grain of geography to round off your child’s educational exposure.
This book makes reading “doable” for the busy parent, the over-scheduled child, the reluctant reader, and the teenager who has all but given up on reading (much less ever making sense of Shakespeare).
Included in the book is a 12-month “Let’s Get Cooking with Literature” section strictly made-up of picture books that have recipes in them.
There is also a “Pack Your Suitcase” section made-up of picture books that take you to different states and countries.
There is also a “Children’s Hour” which takes you through the whole year (Jan. 1-Dec. 31) on a time travel and offers a list of picture books that introduces your child to famous biographies of people, historical events, and significant dates.
There is also an “Author Fiesta" which is twelve different children’s authors/artists that your child should be exposed to. Their books have proven to stir our souls, expand our hearts, and stretch our imaginations. No child should miss being exposed to these authors.
Is this book just a book of booklists? No. Not at all. There are essays on:
The Best-Kept Secret in American Education
My Experience
Why Use Picture Books
Enter the Museum
Why Cultivate Your Child’s Imagination
Guilt-Free Reading
Using Picture Books with the Reluctant Readers
Using Picture Books with Teenaged Readers
Picture Books for Mother
Struggling with Read-Alouds
Educated by Our Intimacies
The Art of Storybooks
Literature Pursuit
In Defense of Picture Books
It’s a book near and dear to my heart and the hearts of my children. Picture books have become an art form and a means of education and expression by their own right. It’s an educational resource we need to pay closer attention to.
Is that enough gushing?
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