Because so many readers have asked about what's in our garden, I will bore indulge show you what we have planted:
First, this lovely plant...I don't remember what my husband told me. I'm thinking potatoes.
Here is a definite potato.
This one I do remember. It's some purple beans. Can you see them? We have green beans too.
Eggplant, anyone?
Onions...lots and lots of onions.
Purple ones and...
Yellow ones.
Tomato plants, of course. Every good garden has tomatoes...and marigolds. :o)
The squash is looking very friendly and has a sunny disposition.
Here's one of our newborns snuggled comfortably in his nest.
Another one I'm not sure of. Anyone know? I knew this would happen when I snapped the pictures.
Carrots...beautiful, long, spidery carrots. We had to weed a few out so Annie got the slackers and I later found them...
Crisp cucumbers plants.
Our watermelon plants aren't growing too great. Any gardening tips?
Thank you for visiting our garden.
I have one more thing to show you. Our mayhaw trees have started their crimson crop. Mayhaw jelly, cakes, and pies are on the horizon. :o)
Do make sure to send this link to the group, very impressive to us northerners.
Posted by: Molly | April 23, 2009 at 10:08 PM
Oh my your garden is so advanced. Im still nursing seedlings indoors. We had a frsot this morning so there is no way we are ready to plant here in Oregon.
Could that big leaf plant be a zucchinni? Thats sorta what their leaves look like anyway.
Your garden looks great. Thanks for sharing. I love gardening posts.
Posted by: mrs darling | April 23, 2009 at 10:43 PM
Wow! It looks great! You're quite a bit ahead of us. I hope to post some of our garden picts on my blog soon now that I finally got another battery charger for the digital camera (grr-r-r-rr-- it was lost). I'll ask my dad what he suggests for your melons. He grows them by the truckload for wholesale in the summer...
Posted by: JoAnna | April 23, 2009 at 11:08 PM
I'm impressed with the veggies and jealous of your mayhaws! I planted two mayhaw trees when we first moved here, and nothing much has happened with them. I'm not even sure they've grown. They certainly haven't shown signs of producing fruit. And I ADORE mayhaw jelly! If you have any surplus, let me know. . .
Posted by: Wendy Haught | April 24, 2009 at 06:37 AM
We have two mayhaw trees. They give a decent crop. It'd be fun to have you and the children come for a visit. We can jelly together and make a day of it. :-)
Posted by: Cay | April 24, 2009 at 09:28 AM
That mystery plant looks like it is in the eggplant family :)
Lovely garden, mine is no where near the planting stage-late frost and slow gardener. ha.
Funny about those little carrots. When the dk were little I often found carrots that had been replaced (!) after they pulled them, only to find they were not big enough to eat. Of course, they wouldn't grow anymore either....a definite learning moment ;)
Posted by: Helen R | April 24, 2009 at 04:26 PM
Lovely garden, Cay! Ours is just getting started.
Posted by: Ruth | April 25, 2009 at 10:13 AM