7 yr old cutting out paper dolls: "Momma, I'm making these for Vanessa to welcome her to America."
Me: "Oh..."
7 yr old brandishing scissors in air: "Don't say it. Please don't say it."
Me: "Don't say what?"
7 yr old going back to cutting: "Don't say 'Honey, that's so sweet' cause you always say that."
Whew! And I thought my children would only remember me hollering at them.
Awwww.... that's so sweet!
(I couldn't help myself!)
Posted by: Charlotte (Matilda) | February 23, 2009 at 12:08 PM
Oh, I so needed to hear that they do remember other than yelling -- especially as I'd just ... um ... vented a bit to my own darlins!
Posted by: Mary G. | February 23, 2009 at 12:19 PM