Michael Dubruiel, former acquisition editor at OSV, passed away suddenly on Feb. 3, 2009. Our Sunday Visitor will be contributing to Mike's children's college fund by doubling what would have been Mike's proceeds from book sales on all of his OSV books through the month of February.
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If you need any more reason to purchase a good book, here is what his wife Amy wrote on her blog:
"Michael collapsed this morning at the gym and was not able to be revived despite the efforts of EMTs and hospital personnel.
"We are devastated and beg your prayers.
"Many thanks for all of the prayers and notes. It is overwhelming. Many have asked what they can do of a material or concrete nature. All I can say is to simply buy his books. Not from me, because I am in no position to fill orders, but from anywhere else. He long ago promised God that he would give all the royalties of The How To Book of the Mass to the children’s college funds, which he did faithfully. It is in good shape because of that. Buy them, read them, and give them away to others. Spread the Word. That is what he was all about."
And don't miss the message Michael left (in a column he wrote Monday to be published this week) for his wife, children and all of us still living God's perfect plan: The Last Column