It really was a perfect first week of school. Really.
And I told my friend Lori it will probably be the only perfect week this school year.
And, being my friend, she reminded me that that is what makes this week such a special blessing.
I've been asked what was in the children's traditional first-day scheuletes. I've had my years of experimenting with these colorful German bags. The first year I made them too big. One year I decided not to do them at all and the children's first question on the first day of school was not "Teacher, can I go to the bathroom?" but rather, "Hey! where's those cones you gave us last year?"
Though I have plenty of German blood in my veins, I am an ignorant American when it comes to all things German and scholarly. I have gotten quite an education about these fun cones just from the comments section of my first scheulete post.
They are not "sugar" bags but rather "school" bags. Okay, I got it but, because of the "sugar" connection and to make the first-day-of-school a little sweeter, I do put some "sugar" in the tip of the cone.
I've also been told these cones are only given on the 1st day of 1st grade. Okay, I got that too. :)
But, in defense of my ignorance, I'm an American. And I homeschool. I've refined this into an American tradition, just like we took the Christmas tree from German legend and fit it to American standards. We've made this our own tradition and my children look forward to it every year. I'm grateful to Sue for realizing I was taking a simple notion of an idea and making it my own.
I wasn't going to do one for my 15-yr-old this year being he's in high school and all, then two days before school began he approached me with "Mom, you putting out those German cone-things you give us each year?"
"Probably. Why?"
"Oh, just wondering what you got me," he said with that sly, goofy smile he reserves only for me.
So I went back to the store to fill yet another cone, knowing that these German sugar bags school cones were now a legitimate part of the Gibson school tradition.
But I still seem to be learning. This year I made them too small and had to get some treat bags from the closet to hold the rest so next year I'll do the whole posterboard size, get more candy to fill it, and eat the excess myself.
The popcorn in each was for our movie that evening.
Garrett's scheulete's had new pens, some candy, and Goal to Go: The Spiritual Lessons of Football.
I didn't purchase new pencils. We have too many around here already. I didn't get him a new calculator; he got one last year and uses the computer's instead. I also didn't buy any scissors or rulers for the girls. I mean, how many scissors and rulers can fit in a drawer anyway? But these are some items you might need in your home-school.
The girls received their new glue and glue sticks, a 4-option pen, small tissue pack, tape (so they stay out of my supply), new crayons, and markers, and some candy and popcorn pack. They also each got a new Webkinz to keep them company as they started on their way.
I try keeping it simple and inexpensive. Just the basics. Yet they love it and delight it receiving these scheuletes every school year.
It's a wonderful tradition.
Your wonderful tradition has now become ours! We did it last year and now my kids are looking forward to this on our first day as well! We start the day after Labor day, so I haven't put them together yet, but I have it on my list for next week. Thanks again for the great idea!
Posted by: Courtney | August 23, 2008 at 09:43 PM