Those many nights of yesteryear, I remember the fluster of racing from house to house with babies and tots in tow on Christmas Eve.
Life on Christmas Eve at our house has settled down tremendously. While my older children miss the chaotic late celebrations of Christmas Eve that they were raised with, we are trying to settle into our own new Christmas Eve tradition because we know this lull is really only for a season.
Tonight we went to the Children's Mass then home where my oldest daughter cooked Chef Emeril's Shrimp and Pasta Supper.
After eating supper around lit Advent candles, we revealed and opened our Secret Santa gifts, then Kayleigh baked cookies while we all visited.
After the two little girls went to bed, Santa got busy with his tools setting up their new art-board and Kayleigh wrote a secret message on it.
Then Mark and I made an Adoration Hour and, after wishing our relief person a Merry Christmas and good wishes, we drove home through quiet night streets with frost on the windshield while I listened to my husband vocalize his childhood rendition of "Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer". You remember the one...
"...had a very shiny nose (like a lightbulb)..."
"...they would laugh and call him names (like Fudgeface)..."
" in any reindeer games (like Monopoly)..."
What a way to welcome Christ into the World.
It's sounds like a wonderful Christmas Eve, Cay.
Posted by: Cheryl | December 25, 2007 at 11:31 AM