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October 08, 2008


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Hmm... Don Freeman and Gyo Fujikawa were both born in 1908, making this a good year to study them.


Leo Politi!

Mary M.

Oh my...1908 it seems was a great year for birthing talented author illustrators! Yes, it is Leo Politi for November- He was born in November of 1908. I totally missed the fact that it was a centenary year for the other authors - and I love Don Freeman, too! Now what a quandry - it would be great to honor more than one. Hmmm...got to talk to Cay.

Jennifer G. Miller

Politi, that sounds good. I'll have to do ILL for his books, though. Our library only has a few of his.

We are so enjoying Arnosky. We did a first group nature study this Monday, and it was fabulous. All the Crinkleroot have been so much help. I do think I should track down used copies for our home library.


Yeah! I was browsing to see which author/illustrators had November birthdays- and I saw Leo Politi AND the fact this was his centenary year clinched it :) Now I'll have to try and find some of his books :)

Jennifer in PA

I have Song of the Swallow by Politi if that is the author. But that is all I have.

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