UPDATE (11-3-08):
Change of menu plans already.
Monday night and there is still half a pan of leftover lasagna, a bowl of chicken-sausage gumbo, and plenty of beef roast and potatoes leftover...not to mention a plate of untouched baked sweet potatoes.
I come from a family who taught me that wasting food is a sin. Tuesday night has become leftover night. We'll still have the apple pie and ice cream as the polls close. Thursday night is another late soccer game. Leftovers at Gibson Hut that night as well.
* * * * *
Sunday, Nov. 2:
- Chicken/Sausage Gumbo
- Potato Salad
- Dessert: Halloween Candy ;)
Monday, Nov. 3:
- (Slow Cooker Day)
Boston Pork ButtBeef Roast w/ small red Irish Potatoes) - Rice Pilaf (I add mushrooms to mine)
- Fresh baked sweet potatoes w/ butter
Tuesday, Nov. 4 (Election Day):
- Breakfast and Lunch Fast & Morning Mass Attendance until the polls are closed
- (Supper) Lima Puree Soup (LIW's Country Cookbook)
- Fresh Hot Rolls
- Fresh Baked Apple Pie Topped w/ Ice Cream (for Election Day)
Wednesday, Nov. 5:
- Chili
- Oatmeal Cookies (LIW's Country Cookbook)
Thursday, Nov. 6:
- Chicken Loaf (LIW's Country Cookbook)
- Baked Lettuce (LIW's Country Cookbook)
- Applesauce Cake (LIW's Country Cookbook)
Friday, Nov. 7:
- Tuna Sandwiches
- Glazed Beets (LIW's Country Cookbook)
Saturday, Nov. 8:
- Restaurant Day: Family Reunion
Sunday, Nov. 9th:
- New Menu Plans